How To Remove Search Browser Hijacker

How To Remove Search Browser Hijacker

Recently, we received a lot of complaints about the browser hijacker, called This program gets into user's browser using various tricks, and we'll tell you about them, as well as how it works and how to remove it.

How got on my computer?

As with any other browser hijacker, is very cunning and stealthy. Most often, this program gets into the system so that the user is not even aware of its presence. If the user is inexperienced in the use of the computer and the Internet - he may not even realize that something is wrong with his computer. There are few basic ways with which penetrates user’s computers:

1.A drive-by download is very effective against novice users. Advertisement of virus and links to download it are being posted on contaminated sites, and these sites are promoted by other advertising programs. Thus, users think that they’re downloading a useful program, but actually, they just allow the virus to enter their computers.

2.Bundled installation is the most efficient and the most common means of distribution, which enables the virus to infect even the computer of experienced users. This method consists in the fact that the installation file of the virus is placed in the file storages, torrent trackers, and other sites that offer to download the free software. However, the virus is offered not by itself, but together with useful free programs. In most cases, the user does not even know that there is a setup file of the virus until he will try to install the desired program. During installation, the user has the option to cancel the installation of "extra" programs, but this option is hidden, and most people simply do not notice it.

3.Email spam is one of the oldest methods of infection and is considered one of the most inefficient at the moment (for adware and browser hijackers). However, hackers are successfully using it because of the number of the sent letters. Use of bot programs allows hackers to send out millions of messages, and even if only 0.5% of the letters will be read - it can be considered a success.

These three ways are united by one feature: the user's carelessness and credulity played a key role in the process of penetration. If you are careful when downloading any file from the Internet, install software, and reading of e-mails, then your computer will be safe. 99.9% of all viruses from the Internet cannot automatically enter your system and are obliged to ask you for permission. You just need to not miss this moment, and to cancel any suspicious offers.

What are the objectives of

Most criminals have only one goal: to obtain the greatest possible amount of money and the creators aren’t an exception. These hackers use particularities of advertising system for the enrichment and profit of the most successful groups of hackers is estimated at tens of millions of dollars. There are several important factors that influence the success of such criminal schemes. Firstly, fraud advertising should be as widespread as possible and include dozens or even hundreds of thousands of computers of unsuspecting users. Secondly - the users themselves should not suffer any significant damage. If the user's computer will be damaged during the operation of the virus - it will cause a complete computer clean from malware, the installation of anti-virus and other things that hackers don’t want to happen. So, advertising viruses deliver the only inconvenience. Alas, the damage can’t be completely eliminated, and after a few weeks of work, the computer still starts to lag, which may lead to malfunction of the system or more serious problems. The third factor is the stealth. Once the criminal scheme is unmasked, and the names of viruses are published online and are added in the databases of anti-virus programs - its efficiency is reduced to zero. We hope that this article will not only help you get rid of but also will reduce the percentage of the victims of the virus.