Reveals The Undeniable Facts About Newest Android Operating System versions


Reveals The Undeniable Facts About Newest Android Operating System versions

Update: the newest Android version Google has released the latest development for Android O, Android O is the next version of the system Android is the previous version of N 7 (nougat), Many are asking whether the real name of the
Android O system and what features are added in O android system is, From some sources stated that name The system for Android O is octopus and vice versa From another source say O is Oreo.

Referring to the problem of naming this Android O system let's look back at the history of Google's android naming system, Google will always call their Android System with The name of the food is especially sweet food. Here's the data I got:

Apple Pie / Alpha v1.0
Apple Pie was released on September 23, 2008.

Banana Bread v1.1
Banana Bread was released in February 2009 used by Smartphone adopters Android, HTC with Dream brand.

CupCake v1.5
The Cupcape version is beginning to show the sophistication of the Android Operating System and this is the first time Google has made the name of the food.

Donut v1.6
This Donut version was released in September 2009, in this version Google started fixing Bug which makes Android more perfect plus the turn-by-turn navigation feature

Eclair v2.0-2.1
Released in October 2009 version 2.0 with the name Echair which became the beginning of Bluetooth 2.1 applied on Android. After version 2.0 update again to version 2.1 which gets an additional multi touch feature, Live Wallpaper and also camera Blitz.

Froyo / Frozen Yogurt v2.2
In May 2010 The mix between Google Chrome and Android began to appear with the Chrome script added with efforts to improve the speed of performance.
Frozen Yogurt itself which has the meaning of Yogurt is frozen, so like Ice Cream.

Gingerbread v2.3
In December 2010 as the release of Gingerbread, Android came the arrival of one of the giant Smartphone Platform platform Samsung that launched Samsung Nexus.
In this 2.3 android version of Google adds new features namely NFC, Internet Calling, Download Manager

Honeycomb v3.0-3.2
Continuation of Habibad H is Honeycomb released in February 2014, for this version of Android and Tablet specialist where the Tablet era is being so this year, Update not only in version 3.0 but also continued to version 3.1 and 3.2.

Ice Cream Sandwich v4.0
The Android revolution began to be seen with the Ice Cream Sandwich where OS version is starting to work on all types of platforms and smartphones such as tablets, features also become increasingly are extra multitasking and notification more.

Jelly bean v4.1.2
Android version of Jelly Bean was released on June 27, 2014, through Google I / O conference. Jelly Bean became an Android version that also gets a lot of updates, recorded 2 times has been updated to Jelly Bean version 4.1.2 where the difference compared to previous versions is the terms of User Interface is more elegant set additional features Google Search.

KitKat v4.4.2
Android The KitKat version is most widely used on today's smartphones.

Lollipop v5.0
Android Lolipop is the latest version of Android launched by Google in 2014. Lollipop version was first embedded in the Google Smartphone Nexus 6

Marshmallow v6.0
The next newest release of Android 6.0 is named Marshmallow.

Nougat 7.0
Which was officially launched on August 23, 2016.

Differences with the android system 1 to 6 system android Nougat 7.0 does not use the name of sweet foods from here I can conclude that for this latest Android system this year is O for Oreo, it is very unlikely Google named octopus for their Android system.

A little peep feature provided in the newest android version of "Android O"

New emoji

Google is finally replacing the gumdrop emoji style from older versions of Android and is now making rounder face icons for Android O.

There are also new emoji in the form of starstruck, throwing up, fairy, mermaid, giraffe, wizard and even more options.

Smart Sharing

On Android O will understand each photo to be recommended for application specific. If you are taking selfie photos, social media applications will be even better to manage the photos.Automatically Fix Icon
 Android developers can now tidy up every icon in the display screen, For example if the default view has a box icon, then automatically the icon will be neat by this feature so that the icon will be more neat.Notification Snoozing
Android O puts a lot of emphasis on notification improvement. One important tweak is the ability to delay notifications for later.Badge NotificationsOne of the biggest changes to the notification in the presence of the addition of a small popup that appears above the app icon to show a new notification of the app. In addition, by pressing on the application appears the contents of the notification.Color On Notification BackgroundTo beautify the display on the notification, now on Android O can change the color in the background for notification.

Boosted audio performance
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is the first Android phone to come installed with Bluetooth 5, a technology that will widen the bandwidth and raise the speed limit in the wireless pipeline for your content to travel through and thus, enhance the quality of audio content sent wirelessly between your phone and headphones.

And while many devices will follow suit, audio quality on Android is going to get yet another boost thanks to Android O’s native support for LDAC, Sony’s hi-res Bluetooth audio codec.

In the developer options, we’re already seeing tons of options for tweaking the bitrate for audio and we expect more advancements to come down the line. This one could be a big deal, especially for those holding out on buying into the best wireless headphones.