Macbook - 10 Tips To Optimize Your Mac

Tips To Optimize Your Mac

Mac Operating System X is a highly optimized Operating System in its performance. Combined aesthetically and minimalist make the users can wear it for hours. Although it is optimized, sometimes Macs can work slowly for several reasons. The following will be given tips to optimize the performance of OS X is used.

1. Clean Desktop

By leaving the folders on the desktop, it directly adds the computer load when it wants to display the screen display. This process indirectly slows down the computer performance. Create a folder called "Archive" and save all the data and folders to the Archive folder. Read the full instructions in the desktop clean up article.

2. Not Saving Waste Application

Tips To Optimize Your Mac
AppCleaner Macbook
Try checking the applications already installed on your computer. How many of these apps have not been used in the last 2 months? Uninstall the app with App Cleaner to make sure there is no data left.

3. Startup Item, Slow Startup

The main factor in the slow startup is the number of startups on the computer. Check the startup items by going to System Preferences-> Accounts-> Login Items and remove from the unwanted application look executed at startup. Limit below 6 for optimal performance.

4. Larger Application

The purpose of the word above is that every OS X application usually consists of two code architectures for the old version of OS accommodation. So actually the application requires only one code. To remove the unneeded code, use xSlimmer.

5. Select One Language

In general, OS X applications are also accompanied by several languages. A language is an option in the application view or during the installation process. If you do not use German or Japanese. Use Monolingual to dump the pretty large language data.

6. Widgets, Limit Usage

I do not enable the Dashboard because any installed widgets will take up the computer's memory resources. But sometimes widgets can simplify the workflow process. So my advice is to limit the use of widgets or turn off the Dashboard if you do not need it.

Tips To Optimize Your Mac
Search with Spotlight Terminal

To turn off the dashboard, run the Terminal app (Search with Spotlight) and enter this:

"defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES && killall Dock"

To turn Dashboard back on, you can enter:

"defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean NO && killall Dock"
7. Activity Monitor, Your Friend

You do not need an application to monitor RAM, Memory and others. Enough with Activity Monitor, you can monitor all the above process. Know which processes by default run on your computer and check which processes are wasting your memory resources.

8. Run Only What It Takes

Not all features and applications in OS X need you to run every usage. Turn off language transition, turn off bluetooth, even turn off internet connection if it is not used. This also applies to applications that run. Beautify but not required only to slow down the computer performance.

9. Clean Harddisk

Try to note the data that has been stored in the Hardisk. How much of the data is still really needed. If not needed should be removed or may be stored on external hard drive. Leave space for your computer so that the index process from Spotlight is also not heavy.

10. Update and Maintenance.

Always make sure the app you are using is the latest version with App Fresh. After that, use Onyx for maintenance every 1-2 months to your computer.

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